Soylent Meal Replacement Shake, Breakfast Variety Pack – Contains 20g Complete Vegan Protein, Ready to Drink – 14oz, 12 Pack
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Soylent Meal Replacement Shake, Breakfast Variety Pack – Contains 20g Complete Vegan Protein, Ready to Drink – 14oz, 12 Pack

Product ID: 510952606
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Our plant-based complete nutrition shakes provide your body with everything it needs to thrive. A convenient, rich and creamy meal substitute, our meal replacement & protein shakes are formulated to fill in nutritional gaps and provide essential nutrients you may otherwise be lacking. Enriched with 20g of plant-based protein, 39 essential nutrients, 1g total sugars, 600mg omega-3 healthy fat, and 400 calories of slow-burning carbs, our healthy drinks help you get full and stay full. An easy solution for anyone looking to reduce poor food choices or change their diet, our meal replacement shakes can help you lose, gain or maintain weight, or simply incorporate more plant-based protein into your diet. Soylent was born out of the desire to use science and technology to offer sustainable and nutrient dense products that could be accessible to everyone. Researchers have shown that one way to reduce the impact of global warming is to restrict the consumption of animal products. We are committed to being a plant-based company that does not compromise sustainability in our effort to provide accessible, appealing, and affordable nutrition to all.

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