Kellogg's Pringles Sour Cream & Onion + Desi Masala Tadka + Pizza Flavour(107gram each), Masala, Salted

Product ID: 502072248


Snack Attack! 🍕 Unleash the Flavor Revolution! Unique shape for endless stacking possibilities. Sour Cream & Onion, Desi Masala Tadka, and Pizza flavors! Enjoy guilt-free snacking with vegetarian ingredients. Elevate your movie and game nights. Perfect for on-the-go munching! Vegetarian Delight 321g of Crunch Made in India Kellogg's Pringles offers a trio of tantalizing flavors—Sour Cream & Onion, Desi Masala Tadka, and Pizza—packed in a convenient 321-gram can. These uniquely shaped, stackable chips are perfect for any occasion, whether you're enjoying a movie night or on-the-go. Made with vegetarian ingredients, they promise a crunchy, flavorful experience that satisfies your snack cravings.

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