In a magical land where colorful rainbows stretch over glittery seas, lives a group of fashion-forward friends called Fidgie Friends. With their unique feel for fashion, these girls have the magic touch for the coolest outfits! Join in the fidget fashion fun and become forever fidget friends! Meet Dandelion Wishes, who always looks on the brighter side of things and wishes the best for her friends. She loves blowing sweet kisses as her wings flutter with silly popping sounds! Fashion play with Dandelion Wishes is sure to please your senses with outfit details that are fun fidget features! Dandelion has pop it butterfly wings and a yellow glitter stress ball skirt. Brush Dandelion’s blonde pigtails and accessorize with her stringy ball bow clip that you can also wear! Dandelion Wishes and her Fidgie Friends are here to touch your heart!