Dr. Beckmann Carpet Stain Remover | Removes even stubborn stains and odours | includes applicator brush (2x 650 ml)
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Dr. Beckmann Carpet Stain Remover | Removes even stubborn stains and odours | includes applicator brush (2x 650 ml)

Product ID: 49375218
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Floors in households with small children or pets often find themselves under heavy strain - from dirty shoes, spilt drinks and bits of food to all kinds of grime from dogs and cats. Carpet-cleaning is pretty much part of daily business. Fortunately, the Carpet Stain Remover from Dr. Beckmann is specially designed to combat a whole range of typical carpet stains, while being gentle on fibres. The powerful cleaning formula of the Dr. Beckmann Carpet Stain Remover with its oxy-power formula can be optimally applied with the brush applicator. It can even eliminate stubborn red wine stains or coffee stains on carpets in 3 minutes without leaving any residue. Additionally, special ingredients are able to permanently eliminate the odours caused by the stain and leave a pleasant fresh scent. The formula is gentle to colours and fibres and also suitable for wool. Ideal for: Cola Grease Coffee Makeup Oil Red wine Juice Road dirt Tea Not suitable for: Velvet Silk Water-sensitive fabrics Directions for use: 1. Unscrew the brush head, pierce the seal in the size of a pinhead (about 2 mm) and screw the brush head on again (do not screw it too far). 2. Remove loose surface dirt. Hold the bottle head down and squeeze lightly to wet the applicator sponge. Apply the product (do not soak the carpet completely), work it lightly into the fabric and let it work in for 3 minutes. 3. Dab off the product and residual stain completely with a damp, light-coloured cloth. Repeat if necessary. Rinse the applicator after every use. Important Information: -Before use: test for colour fastness and material compatibility on an inconspicuous area. -Always follow care label instructions for carpet. -Not suitable for silk, velvet and fabrics sensitive to water. -Store bottle in an upright position.

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