Massage your muscles, and stretch your tight hamstrings, IT bands ect . All this is done in with the Fine -Toned TNP Accessories® lacrosse ball. the most popular choice for fitness and rehab professionals. The ball helps your body in a number of ways, including improving your alignment and hip mobility, increasing your core flexibility, and assisting with myofascial release. Flexibility is an important part of achieving and maintaining a full range of motion around the joints. The TNP Accessories® lacrosse ball contributes by letting you gently challenge your back, hamstrings, hips, abs, and other body parts to improve your core strength and flexibility. The ball also helps with self-myofascial release by putting pressure on tender areas along the muscle tissue (myo refers to muscle, while fascia refers to the tissue that surrounds the muscle fibers). When applying pressure, the golgi tendon organs help trigger the relaxation of the muscle spindles, helping dissipate the adhesions, increase blood flow, and enhance overall movement.
1 month ago
2 months ago