easyblinds Stick On Blackout Kit size 1
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easyblinds Stick On Blackout Kit size 1

Product ID: 48790914
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For complete blackout, there must be no gaps where light could enter. This easy to use kit provides complete blackout. Contains a lightweight flexible PLASTIC light-proof sheet which can be attached to windows (glass or frame) using the double sided tape included (50m roll included). One side of the tape has a re-positionable adhesive, so that the blackout can be attached and removed a number of times. Once the re-positionable side looses its stickiness, it can be replaced from the 50m roll of tape included. PLEASE note that this product is not suitable for use on porous surfaces such as painted walls or wallpaper. It is intended for use on glass or upvc window frames. It is intended as a temporary and highly effective blackout solution. HANDY QUICK BLACKOUT TIP#1: This plastic sheet can also be applied quickly using blu tack or similar product (not supplied). TIP#2: This may lead to small gaps around the sides, but leaving the blackout sheet slightly larger than the window can help to reduce these.

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