Milbemax is an oral broad-spectrum anthelmintic tablet for the treatment of mixed infections with roundworms, hookworms, whipworms and tapeworms, reduction in the level of infection of lungworms and the prevention of heartworm disease in dogs if concomitant treatment against cestodes is indicated. A highly effective broad-spectrum treatment. With its fast and direct gastrointestinal action, Milbemax effectively removes worm burden in infected dogs. It is effective against adult cestodes and nematodes.A treat that treats! Milbemax Chewable tablets for dogs are uniquely formulated with Easychew Technology to make worming more of a treat. The soft chewable tablets are chicken flavoured and over 94% of dogs accept them straight from the hand. An oral dose for accurate treatment. Because Milbemax is an oral treatment it ensures that the right dose is delivered straight to the intestinal tract, making it a direct and mess-free option for owners and pets.A good safety profile. Milbemax tablets for dogs can be given to puppies from 2 weeks of age and or 0.5 kg and Milbemax Chewable tablets for dogs from 1 kg, and both are suitable for pregnant and lactating bitches. There is no need to separate other pets during or after treatment and you can reassure owners that Milbemax provides safe post-treatment contact for themselves and their families.