
Aftercut 20400322 Lawn Thickener Feed and Seed, 150 m2, 5.25 kg, Green

Product ID: 47884209

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🌿 Elevate Your Lawn Game! Covers an impressive 150 m²—equivalent to 15 car parking spaces! Revitalize your outdoor space with our dual-action formula! Manufactured by Westland Horticulture, a leader in lawn care. Compatible with Aftercut Thickener Even-Flo Spreader for easy use. Safe for children and pets, ensuring peace of mind while you beautify. Duel action Safe for kids & pets Covers 150 m² Aftercut 20400322 Lawn Thickener Feed and Seed is a dual-action product designed to fill gaps and enhance the health of your lawn. Safe for children and pets, this 5.25 kg pack covers 150 m², making it an ideal choice for homeowners looking to achieve a lush, green lawn effortlessly.

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