Urban Platter Dried Shiitake Mushrooms, 300g (Perfect for Asian Food and Sushi)
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Urban Platter Dried Shiitake Mushrooms, 300g (Perfect for Asian Food and Sushi)

Product ID: 471146446
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Urban Platter Dried Shiitake Mushrooms, 300g (Perfect for Asian Food and Sushi)Shiitake MushroomThe Chinese have used the shiitake mushroom for medicinal purposes for over 6,000 years; consequently, it has become the Asian symbol for longevity. This particular type of edible fungus is the second most commonly cultivated mushroom in the world. With its rich sources of selenium, iron, dietary fiber, protein and vitamin C, research has shown significant benefits in adding shiitake mushrooms to your diet.Preparing Shiitake Mushrooms – Shiitake Mushroom Recipe IdeasThe shiitake is a versatile food that can be incorporated into a variety of dishes. Theyâ€re becoming more popular due to their nutritional value.When preparing shiitake mushrooms, you want to cut off the stems because theyâ€re too woody to eat, but you donâ€t have to throw them out. Add the stems to a veggie stock to soak up all of those nutrients.Make sure to rinse the mushrooms thoroughly. They can be placed in a bowl of hot water for about 10 minutes to eliminate any residue and then rinsed. Now youâ€re ready to add them to your breakfast, lunch or dinner. Here are some ideas to get you started:Add them to an omelette with veggies; try delicious Veggie Omelet. You can even add avocado to the top for some healthy fats.Create a brown rice or quinoa bowl with shiitake mushrooms, garlic, grated lemon zest and extra-virgin olive oil.Add them to miso soup for an extra kick of nutrients.Use shiitake mushrooms in Green Bean Casserole.Prepare lettuce or collard green wraps with a mixture of organic ground turkey, shiitake mushrooms and chestnuts.Make hearty spinach and shiitake mushroom quiche.Create a flavourful sauce with marsala wine, shiitakes and ghee —Make a delicious soup by combining peeled garlic, shiitake mushrooms, fresh ginger, cilantro, lime juice, chicken stock and coconut milk.Use shiitakes in heal

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