Organic Green Cardamom Pods 8oz by Hatton Hill Organic
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Organic Green Cardamom Pods 8oz by Hatton Hill Organic

Product ID: 470111839
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HATTON HILL ORGANIC GREEN CARDAMOM PODSHatton Hill Organic’s cardamom pods have a warm, aromatic flavor – think eucalyptus with lemony notes. Cardamom is related to ginger, which accounts for the warmth, but it doesn’t have the sharp taste of ginger. It is widely used in the rich and varied cuisines of the Indian subcontinent, reflecting the fact that the cardamom plant is native to Southern Asia and Indonesia, and it’s one of the world’s most expensive spices following saffron and vanilla. PURE, PREMIUM PRODUCTOur organic cardamom pods are carefully cultivated and harvested in Guatemala, where the cardamom plant was introduced in the early 20th century, and where most of the world’s cardamom is now grown. Gathering the pods is a labor-intensive undertaking, as cardamom plants flower for around nine months each year and the slow-ripening pods must be plucked three-quarters of the way through their maturation.USESRemove the three seeds inside each cardamom pod and grind them into a powder to add a unique flavor and aroma to curries, poultry, meat, fish and seafood, and all kinds of rice dishes. Cardamom also works its warming magic in desserts and baking (far from its South Asian roots, it’s popular in Sweden in breads and cakes, having been brought back from present-day Turkey by the Vikings). Try using it to give a special twist to marinades, fruity preparations such as chutneys, and even drinks – it’s widely used in the Middle East to spice up coffee, it’s a characterful addition to mulled wine, and a flavorsome infuser for adventurous cocktail afficionados.

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