PNW Components Loam Grip
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PNW Components Loam Grip

Product ID: 466693524
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We can’t promise to keep your hands warm as the seasons change, but we can keep your paws feeling fresh with our all new Loam Grip. We packed this grip full of features, like an ultra tacky compound and ergonomic pattern to support your palms and help relieve any fatigue caused by trail chatter and long days in the saddle. The Loam Grip features two contrasting patterns and these dueling motifs play an important ergonomic role. Thin strips run horizontally across the grip’s surface for enhanced traction and supple feel, while the thicker mountain pattern helps support the pad of your hand. Beefing up this outer zone with a heartier design combats compound deterioration, ensures the grip is absorbing more vibration and provides needed structure to support the additional body weight pressing down on this area. The Loam Grip was purpose built for Enduro/Trail riding, and with that in mind picking the compound was extremely important. We needed to identify a blend that was soft enough to absorb vibration, yet firm enough to keep its shape under pressure. We call this the “happy camper” blend, because it strikes a balance between an ultra soft material that wears too quickly and a harder compound that provides no tactile benefits.

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