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Tyson Lightly Breaded Chicken Breast Tenders, 2.25 lb Bag (Frozen)
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Tyson Lightly Breaded Chicken Breast Tenders, 2.25 lb Bag (Frozen)

Product ID: 460407007
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Made with chicken raised with no antibiotics ever and no added hormones or steroids,* Tyson® Uncooked Lightly Breaded Chicken Breast Tenders are a delicious addition to any meal. Our chicken breast strips with rib meat are made with 100% all natural** ingredients and seasoned to perfection. With 20 grams of protein per serving, these chicken tenders are sure to be a hit with the entire family. For a savory part of a meal, prepare in an oven and serve with your favorite dipping sauce. A convenient alternative to your oven baked chicken or when you need a crispy, baked chicken breast. These frozen chicken tenders, air fryer ready, are a swift way to a delicious dinner. Includes one 2.25 lb package of lightly breaded chicken breast tenders. With high quality, farm raised chicken with no antibiotics ever, we keep it real in everything we do. Keep it real. Keep it Tyson. *Federal regulations prohibit the use of added hormones or steroids in chicken. **No artificial ingredients, minimally processed. One 2.25 lb package of Tyson Uncooked Lightly Breaded Chicken Breast Tenders Made with chicken breast with rib meat raised with no antibiotics ever and no added hormones or steroids* Contains 20 grams of protein per 4 oz serving Bake in an oven or place in a deep fryer until cooked Juicy, lightly breaded chicken ready in under 30 minutes Raw, frozen chicken, cook thoroughly before eating

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