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Equate Antibacterial Assorted Bandages Variety Pack, 120 Count
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Equate Antibacterial Assorted Bandages Variety Pack, 120 Count

Product ID: 457567897
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Complete your first aid kit with bandages in variety of sizes and styles for your multiple needs with Equate Antibacterial Assorted Bandages Variety Pack. This pack includes 120 antibacterial bandages in assorted shapes and sizes. The active ingredient of benzalkonium chloride acts as an antibacterial agent that helps prevent infection. Useful for minor cuts, scrapes and burns, the lasting adhesive keeps the bandages in place throughout the day and seals the wound from all sides. The wound pads are three times more absorbent, while the knuckle bandages fit easily around finger joints. They are flexible and stretchable, so they move along with your body. The pack also includes 30 waterproof bandages in two different sizes. Bring home Equate Antibacterial Assorted Bandages Variety Pack today!Making the right health decisions can be challenging. With a complete range of products and simple solutions, Equate allows you to take care of your family with confidence. Equate Antibacterial Assorted Bandages Variety Pack, 120 Count: Variety of sizes and styles for multiple needs Helps prevent infection Flexible, stretchable fabric 3X more absorbent than wound pad Seals on all sides Waterproof barrier Lasting adhesive Knuckle bandages fits easily around finger joints

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I loved the variety of products available. Will definitely shop again.

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Customer service was outstanding when I had questions about the product.

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