✔Our products are shipped from local warehouses. We transport through DHL/YODEL/UPS... ✔If any problem, do not hesitate to contact us. We will serve them within 24 hours. ✔If you are not satisfied with our product, we will take your return and refund your refund. Note: The plug supplied with the product is not suitable for European sockets. You need to buy a conversion plug yourself. Thank you for your understanding. Material: 304 stainless steel 12 litres. Size: 34.00*34.00*50.00 cm(13.39*13.39*19.69inch) Weight: 5 kg 20 litres. Size: 40.00*40.00*61.00 cm(15.75*15.75*24.00inch) Weight: 7 kg 35 L. Size: 40.00*40.00*61.00 cm(15.75*15.75*24.00inch) Weight: 9 kg Function: distillation x 1 (you will receive a specification of your choice).