Quake Kits Earthquake Emergency Kit, Go Bag Emergency Backpack, Survival Kits for Disaster Preparedness, 72 Hour Food, First Aid, Water for Hurricanes, Tornado, Storm, Blackout - 1 Person
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Quake Kits Earthquake Emergency Kit, Go Bag Emergency Backpack, Survival Kits for Disaster Preparedness, 72 Hour Food, First Aid, Water for Hurricanes, Tornado, Storm, Blackout - 1 Person

Product ID: 441327092
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The Completely Prepared Emergency Kit contains all of the necessities needed to keep you safe, warm, and fed following a natural disaster and was built for one person over a three day period. Rest easy by storing this kit in an easy access location at home, work, or school as an emergency backup plan. This kit covers all of the survival essentials including food and water, tools and first aid, lighting and communication, shelter and warmth, and hygiene products neatly organized in separate bags for each category. Your family emergency kit also contains an informative card outlining the contents in each bag, a list of personal items to consider adding to your survival kit, and a link to downloadable emergency preparedness plans. You can customize this disaster preparedness kit by adding personal items outlined in the card and include a family emergency preparedness plan in case you get separated from loved ones during evacuation. Experience the peace of mind knowing all of those must-have essentials are safely packed away inside an organized survival kit, ready to go at any moment in the event of an emergency.

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Farhan Q.

The delivery time was excellent, and the packaging was secure.

2 months ago

Yusuf A.

Fantastic experience overall. Will recommend to friends and family.

1 month ago

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