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X-TIGER Polarized Sports Sunglasses with 3 or 5 Interchangeable Lenses,Mens Womens Cycling Glasses,Baseball Running Fishing Golf Driving Sunglasses
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X-TIGER Polarized Sports Sunglasses with 3 or 5 Interchangeable Lenses,Mens Womens Cycling Glasses,Baseball Running Fishing Golf Driving Sunglasses

Product ID: 412615837
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ABOUT X-TIGER TEAM We have 10 years of experience in the production and design of cycling equipment, and we also have experienced professional design teams.Are you tired of buying hard plastic poor quality sunglasses that look cheap & snap after a short while--dont deliver when you need them?At X-TIGER we only produce premium quality and only deliver satisfaction with a suitable price.Whether you are a cycling commuter, daily runner, weekend fisher or driving on wet roads -we know you want and deserve the best.Here are some of the different things about our products.Best material: All the Lenses materials we used are the best!Because we have always believed that good materials can shape good products and good experiences.Lightweight design:Ultralight Frame Weight only 19.2g,Can be worn for a long time, ultra-light structural design will not cause any pressure on the bridge of the nose.Portable design:The temples are flexible and easy to carry.Three lenses:You can change different lenses in different scenes, and the five lenses have different effects.Super accessories the package includes: 1*EVA Case1*Glasses Bags1*Glasses Clean Cloth1*Polarized Test Card1*Black Glasses Legs1*Myopia Frame1*TR90 frame2*Revo Lens1*Yellow Night Lens1*Clear Lens1*Black Polarized lens【CARE TIPS】If the lens is not clean, avoid using paper, but use the cloth that comes with the product.

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Best international shipping I've ever tried. Worth every penny!

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