Dog Lying Callosity Bandage/Dog Elbow Bandage/Dog Hygroma Bandage (Black, M)
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Dog Lying Callosity Bandage/Dog Elbow Bandage/Dog Hygroma Bandage (Black, M)

Product ID: 39651273
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Pfaff Nature Pet Lying Squares / Tylom Bandage / Elbow Bandage / Shoulder Bandage This elbow support provides optimal protection for reclining swaddles, but also for many other problems that can occur on the dog's elbow. Inside directly on the elbow, a mesh slot is incorporated, in which e.g. an additional padding pad, or gel, cooling or heat cushion. This depends on the respective diagnosis. The bandage also reliably prevents permanent licking at the affected area, so e.g. a bandage with ointment is safely protected. Easy to put on the elbow protection bandage is of course. Place the bandage around the elbows, close with Velcro, clip together at the back, done. The elastic chest strap can be used if the bandage may slip backwards for your dog. Our bandage is made from 4mm neoprene material. Ideal for individual and effective use for: Deck squares osteoarthritElbow dysplasia Elbow surgeries Bandage protection. XS - with elbow circumference 12-15 cm. S - with elbow circumference 16-19 cm. M - with elbow circumference 20-23 cm. L - with elbow circumference 24-27 cm. XL - with elbow circumference 28-32 cm. Important! How to measure the bandage: Measure elbow catch directly at the thickest point with a soft tailor's tape measure. Tighten the tape measure relatively tight so that measuring errors caused by thick fur are avoided. If you are still unsure, you can call me at 0151 15675409 in the time from 9am to 5pm.

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