Caring for Women and the Environment. 16 Regular * 100% Cotton. * Certified* Organic & GMO Free. * Non-Chlorine Bleached. Since 1989, Natracare has offered women the all-natural choice in feminine protection. We guarantee that the tampons are made only from 100% pure cotton, and are certified organic. Naturally, Natracare All-Cotton Tampons are additive-free and non-chlorine bleached (no added dioxins). We have made the tampons even more gentle by adding a unique, pure cotton cover. Our new, delicately smooth, biodegradable applicator makes using tampons even easier. Natracare.....absorbent, reliable and comfortable protection.... the only natural choice. Tampons absorbency ranges and terms are standard for all tampons industry-wideand represent grams of fluid absorbed in a standardized laboratory test. Use the chart for comparing absorbency to control your menstrual flow and reduce the risk of TSS. Absorbency Term In Grams Junior Absorbency less then 6 Regular Absorbency 6 to 9 Super Absorbency 9 to 12 Super Plus Absorbency 12 to 15 * Certified organic by the OCIA and Soil Association, Certified GMO free by Gentix.