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Minute Hair Hair Building Fibers 100 Grams (3.5 oz) Refill Hair Loss Concealer That You Can Use for Your Bottles From Competitors Like Toppik, Xfusion (Black)
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Minute Hair Hair Building Fibers 100 Grams (3.5 oz) Refill Hair Loss Concealer That You Can Use for Your Bottles From Competitors Like Toppik, Xfusion (Black)

Product ID: 386310575
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Use method: Make sure hair is dry and style your hair as usual. Follow the hair lines and start it from the back to the front. Shake or turn the bottle upside down and pat the side of the bottle with your fore finger so the fibers dispense onto your thinning areas. Block the forehead to avoid falling on the face. Gently pat the applied area to disperse the fibers and make it look natural. While you can shape your hair with a comb after the fibers are applied, try to keep a little distance from hair root to avoid contact with the fibers on your scalp as they can move and cause an undesired look. If the fibers move they can be restored by re-applying the fibers. Hair loss concealers are temporary. They last until you wash them out. Minute Hair fibers will not clog your pores or have any effect on natural hair growth. They are hypoallergenic. You can easily remove the fibers when you wash your hair or take a shower. The fibers are perspiration resistant and wind resistant when used with a strong hair spray to lock them to your hair and scalp. Hair spray is highly recommended. For best results use Minute Hair fiber hold spray. Available in 10 colors.

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Ayesha M.

The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

5 days ago

Pooja R.

The customer service exceeded my expectations. Perfect for buying products you can't find elsewhere.

1 week ago

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