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HIDE Stash Jar - Airtight Smell Proof Durable Multi-Use Portable Metal Herb Jar Container. Waterproof Aluminum Screw-top Lid Lock (Pack of 2, Silver)
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HIDE Stash Jar - Airtight Smell Proof Durable Multi-Use Portable Metal Herb Jar Container. Waterproof Aluminum Screw-top Lid Lock (Pack of 2, Silver)

Product ID: 38608485
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Stash Jars - Durable, Airtight, Smell Proof, Storage Containers by HIDE. Our Stash Jars are constructed with high quality aluminum, and are a perfect solution to storing and preserving your favorite herbs, food, or products. These stash jars are discrete, simple to use, and portable. The black brushed aluminum design gives them a sleek look, and provides a sure grip. Unlike some other aluminum jars, our jars are constructed with precision threading and a rubber seal to make them smell proof, odor free, airtight, and waterproof. Furthermore, aluminum provides an inert non-reactive surface that does not degrade, leach, or absorb chemicals. Our aluminum jars block light (including ultraviolet), which is especially damaging to organic materials, keeping your goods fresher for longer. And unlike glass/plastic jars, our stash jars are long lasting and made with high quality aluminum to prevent shattering or cracking. Our simple, durable, and discrete jars can be used to store and transport herbs, spices, teas, coffee, dry goods, and snacks such as nuts and candies. Additionally, they can be used to store non-edible goods such as lotions, oils, and liquors. Our HIDE Stash Jars are optimized to be highly functional, discreet, and durable ensuring your stuff stays fresh and pure, while also being undetectable even to the most discerning noses no matter how strong the smell. Want another size or color? Our Stash Jars come in a taller but still discrete 1/8 oz (3.5 gram) or 50 mL size and are also available in silver.

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Vikram D.

The MOLLE sheath is of exceptional quality. Very happy with my purchase.

2 weeks ago

Zainab N.

Fantastic and great service. Shipping was faster than expected.

1 week ago

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Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

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