BRILLIANCE4U Aluminum Tent Poles Replacement, Black Pre-Assembled Tent Pole, 7001 T6 Heated Camping Tent Rod
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BRILLIANCE4U Aluminum Tent Poles Replacement, Black Pre-Assembled Tent Pole, 7001 T6 Heated Camping Tent Rod

Product ID: 381095207
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BRILLIANCE4U REPAIR OLD TENTS AT LOW COST: With this assembled replacement tent pole, you can bring your old and beloved tent to a prolonged life. And it is much cheaper than buying a new tent or original poles from the manufacture. NO MORE FIBERGLASS POLES: Fiberglass poles tend to and have ish microscopic splinters which are difficult to remove. Replacing them with Aluminum poles before they deteriorate and fail at some inopportune moment can get a prolonged lifespan and eliminate the trouble of buying tent poles frequently. COMPACT & LIGHTWEIGHT: One pole only weighs 0.47 lb, and measures 17.5'' long after assembled. You can easily fit the poles inside your panniers or backpack. The shorter segment length and lighter weight mesh well with your motorcycle or backpacking camping needs. WE CARE ABOUT DETAILS: Made of the highest quality 7001 series aircraft-grade aluminum and durable elastic cord, this tent poles replacement can take the bends better than many cheaper poles which would crumple or snap easily. Every pole section is carefully handled for a smooth connection between pole sections for your quick set-up/takedown. APPLICATIONS: You can easily adjust and resize them to any length. Sections can be removed and cut down to make any length you need with only minor difficulty. Perfect as Replacement Tent Poles, Awning Support, Disc Golf Retriever, Golf Swing Trainer, Helium Sticks, etc. 12ft 1.4 in 1 Pole. BRILLIANCE4U.

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Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

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Fantastic experience overall. Will recommend to friends and family.

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