KINSHA Needle Felting Pad 8 x10 x1.5 inch, 100% Pure Natural Wool, Felting Pad for Large Felting Projects, Felting Kit Complete with Felting Needles of Different Sizes and Leather Finger Guards.
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KINSHA Needle Felting Pad 8 x10 x1.5 inch, 100% Pure Natural Wool, Felting Pad for Large Felting Projects, Felting Kit Complete with Felting Needles of Different Sizes and Leather Finger Guards.

Product ID: 377659187
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(Kinsha) Needle Felting Pad - Complete with Felting Needles and Leather Finger GuardsHigh Quality MaterialYour gray pad is made from 100% natural undyed pure wool felt. The gray color may vary slightly from piece to piece as it is a natural product. This wool is sourced from Central America.Wet FeltedThis needle felting pad has been wet felted by machine by using heat, moisture and pressure. Wet felting is the process of combining layers of wool roving and / or wool yarns into one flat piece of felt fabric. This process ensures the perfect density and durability required in a felting pad. DensityThe density of your pad helps to prevent the deep embedding of fibers. You want an underlay that your fibers will not stick to. It is very counterproductive and damaging to your work if this happens. That's why your pad is better than loosely felted pads, burlap bags or foam cushions.Felting needles and Leather Finger GuardsIncluded in this deal are 9 felting needles with a wooden handle. There are 3 of each sized needles. The small (3"), medium (3.5") and the large size (3.15"). These needles are made of hard durable metallic iron. Your needles are suitable for wool, non-woven fabrics, yarn and thin soft cloth. The finger guards are made of soft leather and are excellent for needle felting particularly when making something small and DIY'ing.ConvenientYour underlay is comfortable to work with and you can easily fasten or pin your work down to your underlay to prevent it from shifting on you. It is sufficient in size and easy to transport from place to place. What's Included? - 1x Wool Needle Felting Pad - 9x Felting Needles - 1x Leather Finger Guards

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The product quality is outstanding. Exactly what I needed for my work.

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Fantastic experience overall. Will recommend to friends and family.

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