Stonehenge Health Probiotics 51 Billion CFU - 16 Strains, Prebiotic, Synbiotic Dynamic Biotics - Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Delayed Release, Shelf Stable, Non-GMO Gluten Free Veggie Capsule
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Stonehenge Health Probiotics 51 Billion CFU - 16 Strains, Prebiotic, Synbiotic Dynamic Biotics - Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Delayed Release, Shelf Stable, Non-GMO Gluten Free Veggie Capsule

Product ID: 369935747
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Stonehenge Health Dynamic Biotics Probiotic is the most potent and pure probiotic available today. With 16 unique strains, 51 Billion Colony Forming Units (CFUs), and added NutraFlora Prebiotic Fiber to help stimulate probiotic growth, it contains the critical dose for maximum results. The probiotics in our formula are live microorganisms that help re-balance and re-culture your gut with “good gut bacteria.” Having an imbalance in your gut between good and bad bacteria can lead to a variety of health problems from digestive, mood, and energy. It is important to take a quality probiotic, like Dynamic Biotics, each day to maintain optimal gut flora. Your gut plays a critical role in hormone and immune system regulation. The gut microflora creates a barrier on the intestinal wall that limits harmful germs and large food particles from leaving the intestines and entering the bloodstream. When your gut gets out of balance, the wall can break down, creating a “leaky gut” scenario, allowing harmful elements to enter your bloodstream. This leak can lead to health problems such as poor digestion, low energy, skin blemishes, and even a depressed mood. Help increase the balance of good vs. bad bacteria in your gut. The probiotics in this formula are live microorganisms and are supported with Nutraflora prebiotic fiber to help accelerate the growth of our probiotics. Restoring balance in your gut can help reduce gas, bloating, and indigestion while improving your skin complexion, energy levels, and even mood. Packaged in a dark amber glass bottle to protect against the harmful impact of light and moisture. Just take one capsule a day and no refrigeration is required. Compare our label to others to see the difference! Plus, no fillers, binders, or synthetic ingredients are used. One (1) bottle contains 30 vegetarian capsules, a 30-day supply.

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