ATSG JATCO JF011E transmission technical repair manual is necessary to diagnose, overhaul and/or repair the JATCO JF011E CVT transmission. Dodge, Jeep, Mitsubishi and Nissan All use a similar continuously variable transmission (CVT) for their 4 cylinder applications. Built by JATCO, the JF011E is the CVT2 in Dodge and Jeep vehicles. It is also located in the F1CJA (2WD)/W1CJA (4WD) for in Mitsubishi and the RE0F10A in Nissan. This style CVT utilizes a torque converter with its intent to provide an optimal driving force that is responsive to throttle opening providing smooth uninterrupted ratio changes eliminating shift shock. Most applications will provide a manual shift mode function for both smooth driving without shift shock, and enjoyable driving with manual ratio selection. ATSG technical manuals are well written and produced by ATSG's professional technical staff. They have over 100+ combined years of experience, knowledge & wisdom in the automatic transmission industry. If you are looking to complete a band adjustment, torque spec, service a transmission, shift kits, or just doing a full rebuild on a unit, ATSG technical manuals are a must have! Most, but not all, ATSG manuals cover everything from parts identification, exploded views, home Specs, wiring harness locations, routing, electrical diagrams, internal planetary components, how to disassemble a transmission, how to rebuild the individual components, torque Specs, valve body identification, extension housing overviews and much, much more. Click the "ADD TO CART" button to get your ATSG JATCO JF011E automatic transmission technical repair manual now.
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