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Initial D - Second and Third Stage S.A.V.E.
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Initial D - Second and Third Stage S.A.V.E.

Product ID: 3541720
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Contains two Initial D Stages at a great low price!Second Stage:Takumi’s rise to the top the street racing underground is the stuff of legend, but his status as the best is on the line once again. Team Emperor’s in town with a singular goal: crush all opposition. The team’s drivers are as aggressive as their cars are advanced, and Akina’s Eight-Six might be outclassed. There’s a chance that Takumi’s skills have surpassed the abilities of his beloved machine, and if he wants to maintain his rep, severe modifications must be made. Unfortunately, mechanical woes aren’t his only problem, thanks to some rumors going around about his girl. The distractions are definitely stacking up, and so are the challengers. That means it’s time for Takumi to do what he does best – keep his eyes on the road ahead and floor it.Third Stage:Anyone can drive fast. Only one driver can be the fastest. It takes nerve, skill, and the right car – and Takumi’s got all three. His rep as a dominating downhill racer is growing, but when he’s invited to drive for an all-star team that could change the face of local racing, Takumi’s got to beat his stiffest competition before he’ll join their ranks – himself. With graduation approaching, his classmates drift toward uncertain futures. For Takumi, looking ahead means putting as many challengers in his rearview mirror as he can. If he can prove to himself that he’s ready, the next stage is waiting, and it’s all downhill from here.

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Ali H.

Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

1 day ago

Rajesh P.

Customer service was outstanding when I had questions about the product.

2 days ago

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Anita G.

Good experience, but the tracking updates could be better.

2 months ago

Sneha T.

Received my product in pristine condition. Great service overall.

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