Large Tartan Plaid Cashmere Feel Soft Cozy Warm Lightweight Blanket Scarf Wrap Shawl
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Large Tartan Plaid Cashmere Feel Soft Cozy Warm Lightweight Blanket Scarf Wrap Shawl

Product ID: 35219916
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Spring Fever, American Registered Brand, offers its own special packing,hang tag and customer service card. Product Dimensions (IN): Length- 59" x Width- 59"/Product Material: Cashmere-like Acrylic Extremely soft and warm over-sized plaid blanket shawl wrap scarf poncho. Wrap the shawl freely around any outfit and it will keep you warm all day long. Designed in multiple colors and styles. Easy to wear and pair with other clothes. Fashionable and stylish. Over-sized enough to be worn as a shawl or used as a picnic blanket during fall activities. The over-sized poncho wrap shawl design is the new trending fashion statement of the fall and winter season. If you chose Expedited Shipping,you should be receiving the package within 5 days. Standard shipping should take around 7-15 days, FBA or Expedited Shipping recommended If you have any questions or problem with the product, please feel free to contact our customer service, we are more than glad to help you

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Abdullah B.

Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

3 weeks ago

Khalid Z.

Great experience from order to delivery. Highly recommended!

1 week ago

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Best international shipping I've ever tried. Worth every penny!

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Excellent communication throughout the order process. Product is perfect.

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