Copper-Master: Leak Proof Ergonomic Design Matt Finish Pure Copper Bottle, Storage Water, 900 Ml
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Copper-Master: Leak Proof Ergonomic Design Matt Finish Pure Copper Bottle, Storage Water, 900 Ml

Product ID: 349423391
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Copper is a strong anti-oxidant, promotes healthy skin, improves your digestion system with many more benefit also recommended by Ayurveda.Drinking water stored in copper bottle or other copper vessel (which is known as tamra jal in Ayurvedic medicine) balances the three doshas in your body (vata, kapha & pitta). Water stored in a copper water bottle will also become natural alkaline water, which helps balance your body's pH levels. Copper is anti-bacterial, acts as an effective anti-oxidant, improves immunity, supports good health, prevents aging, eliminates toxins and stimulates the brain. Our copper water bottles are perfect for everyone and ideal for those with an active lifestyle. Since copper is naturally anti-bacterial and naturally self-sterilizing and does not require as much cleaning as other water bottles. We believe that copper is the best material to make water bottles and we have worked hard to produce an aesthetically pleasing product that suits an active lifestyle, supports the maintenance of good health,and helps the environment by avoiding the use of disposable plastic bottles.Note: Search with Copper Master name on to see our all product range of Copper utensils. Copper Utensils Tarnish from time to time. This is Normal for a Copper utensils. Care Instructions: Copper utensils needs to be cleaned at regular interval for removing the dark marks.Dark marks are formed due to oxidization process.It is the basic nature of Pure Copper that it oxidizes when it comes in the contact of air and water. Features and Benefits: Hand crafted Pure Copper Water Bottle 100% leak proof Sleek look & joint less Can be carried to office,school or anywhere else For maximum benefits keep the water overnight Cleaning Instruction: Hand wash only Towel & Air Dry only Don’t use Harsh Scrubber,Use soft Sponge

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Suresh K.

Very impressed with the quality and fast delivery. Will shop here again.

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Ayesha M.

The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

5 days ago

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Rajesh P.

Customer service was outstanding when I had questions about the product.

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Ayesha M.

The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

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