Its a sugar free chocolates with nuts including almonds & raisins with no preservatives & no added flavours.Its 100%vegetarian product. Made with Single-origin real cocoa beans, these cookies are a treat for chocolate lovers with its intense notes, packed with nutrients & antioxidantsVegan: Our chocolates are 100% vegan with no milk solids. Its just cocoa and cocoa butter. No cheap fillers.High Fibre: With >50% more fibre than the average chocolate, prebiotic fibre too, which is good for gut health and makes the chocolate fulfilling to eatNo Preservatives: They are as pure and natural as you would make at your home. There are no cheap fillers, no nasties.Sugar- Free: Sweeteners used in Artinci products come from natural sources - Stevia, Polyols (ultra-low-carb) and Prebiotic fibres (Good for gut health)
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