One-Page Business Plan: From Your Vision to Your Success
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One-Page Business Plan: From Your Vision to Your Success

Product ID: 34235687
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So, you have a dream. You have a great idea that will bring exciting new products or services to market. How will you make that dream a reality? While it's true that hundreds of startups succeed each year in turning the imagination of talented people into hard profit, it's also true that just as many or more startups fail right out of the gate. Just having an idea is never enough. It takes hard work, it takes effort, and it takes organization. From obtaining money for your startup to hiring the right employees to bringing your product or service to market, every company takes a little bit of sweat and a little bit of stress and a lot of hard work. You’ll see why in the following pages. One thing that separates successful startups from those doomed to fail is knowing how to craft a well thought out business plan. In the following pages you’ll see the reasons why you need a business plan and how to make one that works for you. You’ll learn which type of business plan is best for you and how to tailor one to suit your needs. Let me show you how to plan out your entire strategy from beginning to success, from the spark of an idea to an efficient and well organized company that people will recognize and identify with. You've got the startup. I've got the blueprint to get you from your vision, to your success.

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