Turtuls Group Fly Swatter Indoor and Outdoor Incect Killer (Multicolor) Pack of-1
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Turtuls Group Fly Swatter Indoor and Outdoor Incect Killer (Multicolor) Pack of-1

Product ID: 338456979
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Pest Control Fly Swatter Pack of 1 TurtulsGroup Beautiful Fly Swatter (Multicolour) (Turtulsgroup) A fly swatter or fly swat, fly swatter consists of a small rectangular or round sheet of about 10 cm (4 in) usually. Attached to a Lightweight, flexible, ventilated material usually a thin metal. rubber, or plastic mesh. attached to a lightweight wire or plastic handle or wood or metal handle about 30 to 60 cm (1 to 2 ft) long. The venting or perforations minimize the disruption of air currents, which can be detected by the fly and allow it to escape, and also reduce air resistance, making it easier to hit a fast-moving target such as a fly. The stopping of insects using fans is ancient. The oldest flyswaters were actually nothing more than some sort of striking surface attached to the end of a long rod. A flyswatter is ideally lightweight and stiff, allowing quick acceleration to overcome the fast reaction time of the fly, while also minimizing damage caused by hitting other objects. The flyswatter usually works by mechanically crushing the fly against a hard surface, after the user has waited for the fly to land somewhere. However, some skilled users can injure or stun an airborne insect in mid-flight by whipping the swatter through the air at an extreme speed.

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