INSTRUCTIONS: Before player begins, all dominoes areturned facedown and mixed. Each player draws five dominoes and stands them onthe edge before him so that his opponents cannot see his domino faces. The remainingdominoes, become the draw pile, play moves to the left.Each domino is divided into two parts,or ends each containing a set of spots. A double domino contains matching ends(6-6, 5-5, etc). and the player whodraws the highest double domino places it in the center of the table to beginthe game. If no double was drawn, all dominoes are returned to the draw pile,reshuffled, and redrawn.The second player the turned to matchone of his dominoes to one end or side of the double. For example, the first domino played is a double for, the second player may add any one of hisdominoes containing for spots on one end. The next player may play to thedouble four, or he may try to match the endof second domino played. Blanks match other blanks. Only one domino may beplayed at each turn; dominoes are placed length-wise rather that at rightangles, except in the case of double, as shown, at any open end of a row. Hemust draw form the extra dominoes until he is able to play, he passes and thentries again on his next turn. A player must play a domino if he is able to doso. Doubles are always placed crosswise to the end the match, there by givingtwo new directions in which to place dominoes.Play continues until one player has used allof his dominoes or until no one can play, if no further plays can be made, andall dominoes have been drawn, the player with no dominoes, or with the leastnumber of points (spots) on his remaining dominoes, wins the round. Hesubtracts the total of his points from the total of each of his opponentspoints and scores the balance of points from each. Rounds continue until oneplayer scores 100 points. The game is won by the first person to score 100 ormore points.
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