SchildkrötTable-Tennis Bat
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SchildkrötTable-Tennis Bat

Product ID: 324355834
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The "Legends 900 FSC" from Donic-Schildkröt is one of the top model bats in this trend-setting racket series. Optimally suited for ambitious leisure players and regular hobby players, this model is equipped with a high-quality wood and handle. The ITTF-approved Schildkröt Spinmax rubberassures a very good grip and transfers the spin very effectively to the ball. The 2.1 mm thick sponge located between the rubber and the wood generates a high level of power and faster ball speeds, with the same amount of force, an advantage over a thinner and therefore inexpensive sponge. The ERGO handle with a rounded, flowing transition from the handle to the blade lies much better in the hand than classic bats and avoids pressure points on the index finger. This technology, established for year in the competition segment, is now being used in the field of leisure bats and also enables the quickest possible change from forehand to backhand (and vice versa), a clear plus point for the fast table tennis duels. The PLS technology ("Power Light System") is an immediate eye catcher: thanks to the transparent lens, you can look through the hollow racket handle. This construction ensures that the bat becomes lighter and more top-heavy, resulting in a very comfortable handling and optimized power. The built-in "AVS" (Anti Vibration System - 2 shock-absorbing PU foam inserts under each of the two handle shells) between the blade and the handle noticeably reduces vibrations and oscillations, enabling a fatigue-free play with a lot of control. The new Legends Line from Donic-Schildkröt is dedicated to the table tennis legends Jan-Ove Waldner, Jörgen Persson and Steffen "Speedy" Fetzner, who, all together, have numerous international titles and successes. As a leading table tennis manufacturer, Donic-Schildkröt relies on responsible production. Certified wood from the FSCTM organization (Forest Stewarship CouncilTM) is used to manufacture this product line. FSCTM is an independent, non-profit, non-governmental organization whose aim is to promote environmentally friendly, socially beneficial and economically viable management of forests worldwide. Donic enjoys an excellent reputation worldwide in the table tennis competition segment and is the supplier of numerous well-known top players. The traditional german brand Schildkröt, has been established on the market for well over 100 years and is considered the inventor of the table tennis ball. Donic-Schildkröt is today the undisputed market leader in the field of leisure table tennis in Central Europe. Production is carried out in the BSCI-certified Schildkröt factory in China under the highest social standards.

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