Chevy Silverado 6-Volt Battery Ride-On Vehicle (Black)
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Chevy Silverado 6-Volt Battery Ride-On Vehicle (Black)

Product ID: 32200319
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Take a ride in the Rollplay Chevrolet Silverado! With a realistic, chrome-detailed truck body, this all-terrain battery ride-on can handle sidewalks, grass, dirt, and carpet! "Get Truckin'" in the Chevrolet Silverado and enjoy all of the play features that it comes with, like dual opening doors, horn/engine sounds, an MP3 connector, clear windows, working mirrors, a battery life indicator, and more! It even includes a dashboard with realistic features! The truck runs at 2.5 MPH in forward or reverse and includes rubber traction strips on the wheels. The 6-Volt battery, with a 6-month warranty, includes a battery life indicator, so you'll know when it's time for a pit stop. With a maximum weight limit of 77 lbs, this truck is recommended for children ages 3 and up. Minimal assembly is required before use. Backed by a 1 year warranty and the support of a dedicated U.S. customer service team.

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