2Pcs Ice Ball Mould Ice Hockey Mould Whiskey Mold Ice Cube Trays 4 Hole DIY Ice Ball Maker for Cocktail Bourbon Juice Summer Drink
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2Pcs Ice Ball Mould Ice Hockey Mould Whiskey Mold Ice Cube Trays 4 Hole DIY Ice Ball Maker for Cocktail Bourbon Juice Summer Drink

Product ID: 317466242
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Depiction: Product name: 4-hole hockey puck 4-hole ice box Whisky round ice puck mold ice grid mold Ice maker 4-hole ice puck mold Material: PP transparent body + silicone cover Weight per gram: 40g Single product size: 23*6.5*5.5CM NOTION: 1. The ice ball maker use plastic fitting principle, without sealing ring, sealing effect is not 100%, product when standing there will be slight water seepage situation exists, this is normal phenomenon, will not affect the effect of ice! 2. Hold the second ball at the bottom with your left hand.After filling three and half balls (Do not fill all 4 balls)with water, immediately place the ice ball maker flat in the refrigerator. (the reason for filling three and half balls watere is that water is denser than ice. When ice is formed, it has four balls,if you fill all 4 balls water,when ice is formed,the ice ball maker will split).

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