Leoars Grow in Dark Face Jewels Tattoo, Crystals Hair Body Gems Sticker, Rhinestone Face Gems Stick on, Mermaid Hair Body Gem Bindi Glittler Festive Rave Party Outfit Makeup Set for Women, 6-Pack
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Leoars Grow in Dark Face Jewels Tattoo, Crystals Hair Body Gems Sticker, Rhinestone Face Gems Stick on, Mermaid Hair Body Gem Bindi Glittler Festive Rave Party Outfit Makeup Set for Women, 6-Pack

Product ID: 316340540
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*Contact us with inquiries to larger orders as we can put together a competitive package suited to your needs.* Gorgeous Glimmering Festival Face & Hair Jewels ! *Complete your festival outfit off with these amazing gems! *Use these body jewels along with glitter to accent your beautiful makeup. *Beautiful style body gems tattoo sticker whether you're in the crowd at the rave, cruising at Burning Man or embodying a psychedelic goddess! *Perfect gift for any fellow raver, EDM fan or Kandi Kid! *Great body jewels for a sexy night out or your next festival like music EDC ! *Get admiration and props from both girls and guys while you roam the fest! *You'll feel amazing, sexy and confident! *Customize and put them anywhere on your hair or body. Features of Leoars Rhinestone Body Jewels Sticker *Jewels are already sticky where you can peel and stick to your Hair and body. * Fits nicely to most face shapes and it can be easily adjusted. * Can be applied after your makeup is put on. *Jewels are all connected with a clear gelatin like sticky pad that can be removed in one piece and stuck onto your hair or body. *You can use scissors or a razer blade to cut off any of the jewels you don't need or to change the pattern as needed or wanted for your style. *Can be reused depending on how it's taken care of and put back onto the plastic (the stickiness will fade with the first use but spirit gum, clear eyelash or jewel glue can be used along the edges to keep using it after the first use. Notice of Using Leoars Crystals Body Gems Jewels * Please do not use the gems in rain and try to keep away from moisture as much as possible *Please topping using the the face & body jewel gems if irritation occurs. *Please do not apply the face gems to sensitive skin, near eyes, of if allergic to adhesive.

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