Strong Tent Stakes - 12 inch Galvanized Tent Pegs Heavy Duty Anchors - Steel Stakes for Sand Camping Wedding Mountains Pack of 4
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Strong Tent Stakes - 12 inch Galvanized Tent Pegs Heavy Duty Anchors - Steel Stakes for Sand Camping Wedding Mountains Pack of 4

Product ID: 307581382
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THE SECRET OF EXTRA STRONG HOLDING POWERIf you’re tired of counting the number of the deformed camping tent pegs after each use or if they just easily slip out of the ground or bend like butter, it’s high time thinking about the other more reliable version. With our steel tent pegs you may not worry about a secure footing. These heavy duty tent pegs give you a lot of benefits: crafted of QUALITATIVE STEEL, they won’t bend or broken, even when you hammer them;the GALVANIZED FINISH prevents rust - ideal variant for an outdoor use;a special design of these screw tent pegs provides a STRONGER HOLDING POWER;SHARP TIP allows our nail tent pegs easily penetrate any surface: be it frozen, sand, dirt, rocky, or grass ground and at the same time they hold down solidly any kinds of tents;we did our best to create these strong, durable, and qualitative galvanized steel tent pegs that will serve you for a lifetime.A lot of hikers have already enjoyed these benefits. Choose the best! If you aren’t satisfied with our large tent pegs we will refund their value or replace for another ones.WHERE TO APPLYSpecial design and the best metal, which our stainless steel tent pegs are made of, allow using them anywhere on any surface and under any conditions. They serve well as camping tent pegs, sand tent pegs or even snow tent pegs, always provide you with a sweet sleep in your camping night. Use with pleasure them for anchoring tents, canopies, tarps, gazebos, landscaping, shelters, any kinds of holiday decorations.BE CAREFULBe careful with the sharp tips of our heavy tent pegs, especially when you’re with kids.

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Ali H.

Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

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Anjali K.

The product quality is outstanding. Exactly what I needed for my work.

1 month ago

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TrustScore 4.5 | 7,300+ reviews

Ali H.

Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

1 day ago

Zainab N.

Fantastic and great service. Shipping was faster than expected.

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