A favorite of Legs, Bums and Tums classes, and ideal for use in Body Pump classes. These aerobic steppers is ideal for both cardiovascular exercises and body weight exercises. The simple design lends itself to so many workouts that it is ideal for all fitness levels, from beginners to advanced, making it an exercise accessory that you are sure to use for years. Benefits Help you improve your AB and lower back strength also decreases your risk of muscular injury. Pre and post workout, improve your balance, increase flexibility, boost core strength and prevent injury. Increase lumbar (low back) mobility,,Increase abdominal and back muscle strength, Increase balance and stability, Develop overall control and strength of the core body muscles. Help you improve your AB and lower back strength also decreases your risk of muscular injury. Features Step It Up, Home & Gym, Step Forward, Light Weight, Strong (Quality martial), Space Sever Multi Levels, Multi Colors, Unisex, For all Session, Water proof , Sun protective material
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