Crown Sporting Goods 36" x 6" Premium EVA Foam Roller – Firm, Dense, and Shape-Restoring (Blue)
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Crown Sporting Goods 36" x 6" Premium EVA Foam Roller – Firm, Dense, and Shape-Restoring (Blue)

Product ID: 30354160
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Move better, feel better.Roll out tight muscles and knots, ease joint pressure, and encourage better circulation and flexibility.Like resistance bands and exercise balls, foam rollers began as simple physical therapy tools, but once knowledge (and proof!) of their effectiveness became widespread, their use in gyms and at home has risen significantly. Foam rollers reduce the risk of injuries and decrease recovery times. When used before a workout, foam rollers activate muscles and get blood pumping! After exercise, foam rollers mimic a deep tissue massage. Balancing on a roller is a great way to add an extra dimension to simple exercises like push-ups and crunches.EVA Foam versus EPP and EPE Foam? EVA foam is superior to both EPP and EPE foams in terms of durability and longevity, resiliency and tensile strength, and compressive strength and recovery. What does all that mean? Put plainly, EVA foam protects your investment by maintaining and restoring its shape and performing better, longer. If you're looking for low cost and a small investment, go with EPE. If you're looking for something mid-grade that's a little harder for deeper release, upgrade to EPP. But if you're willing to invest in a quality product that will outlast and outperform the others, choose EVA. What size roller should I buy? The standard foam roller is 36" long, as this length gives you the freedom to perform the full range of foam roller exercises and stretches, up to and including lying the roller lengthwise along your spine. If you're looking for rollers that are easier to travel with and store, or are just looking to do simple tissue massage, you might consider 18" and 12" lengths.

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