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Brij Sugandha Multicolor Religious Anant Dhaga Silk Thread 70 Meter Lal Dhaga for Sewing, Embroidery and DIY Crafts Handwork Knots 70 M Daga by The Kanha Store (RED Yellow BOONDI Style)
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Brij Sugandha Multicolor Religious Anant Dhaga Silk Thread 70 Meter Lal Dhaga for Sewing, Embroidery and DIY Crafts Handwork Knots 70 M Daga by The Kanha Store (RED Yellow BOONDI Style)

Product ID: 299933604
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Religious Muticolour Silk Thread - Red Yellow Dhaga - Anant Dhaga Silk thread. This thread can be used for wearing tabeez, Can be udes as Kalava mauli Dhaga. Before every Puja or Yagna, the priest ties a sacred thread on the hand of the person who is getting the Puja done. This thread called, Moli, is tied and the person is asked to take a Sankalp which is like a vow, a purpose for which a particular Puja or Yagna is being done. It is tied on hand after the sankalp mantra-indicating a devotee's resolution to worship / do puja etc. Hence the moli is a gross reminder and symbol of this conviction. As the string is tied around the hand, you pray that your life will similarly revolve around God. Once tied, one is not supposed to untie this thread for a particular period depending upon the type of ritual. Some people tie them up till next Sankalp is taken. However, it usually continues for a week after the Puja. Many follow this for two to four weeks. Raksha Bandhan is one example where Rakhi is tied by the sister on the brother’s wrist, who takes Sankalp for the safety of the sister. You can also make different kinds of shaped chinese knot by this thread, is easy to use with the silk-nylon material. Used widely in the handwork market, such as handmade wrist strap and bracelet which you like, this will be the best gift for your friends. multicolor thread is a unique dyed color changing thread with variable colors along its length. It is an ultimate craft accessory used in various DIY crafts and has endless possibilities. From creating various items and accessories like dream catchers, baskets, bracelets, jewellery to using them as packaging accessories, it has several applications.

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