Joint pain, Swelling, Stiffness of knee joint, painful and swollen joints, restriction of joint movements. RHEUMIZAP is designed with Immunomodulatory herbs which eases joint inflammation, pain and prevent joint damage. This formulation will take care of regeneration of cartilage damaged due to arthritis and restore joint health. Ingredients Rosmarinus officinalis, Curcuma longa , Azadirachta indica, Andrographis paniculata, Ocimum sanctum, Piper longum, Withenia somnifera, Tinospora cordifolia, Moringa, Ficus Religiosa ext , Astragalus membranaceus ext , Tripterygium wilfordii ext , Harpagophytum procumbens ext, Matricaria recutita ext , Ginko bibola ext , Terminalia arjuna ext , Dosage One tablet in morning before meal and one tablet before bed time or as directed by healthcare professionals. . Safety Safe to use for children and adults. No side effects and allergies. ,