The world's most lovable, mystery-solving dog, along with his best friend Shaggy and the rest of the gang, stars in a spooky and laugh-filled collection of classic cartoons featuring the one and only Scooby-Doo. Scooby, the clumsy and cowardly canine, instinctively runs from things that go bump in the night. But this globe-trotting Great Dane solves monstrous mysteries and unravels ghostly goings-on like no one else. And even in the middle of the scariest situation, Scooby and Shaggy find time to satisfy their craving for their favorite food--pizza! So watch out villains! Scooby-Doo is on your trail, and he always captures his quarry and solves the puzzle. But there's nothing puzzling about finding fun and excitement--just sit back, have a Scooby snack and enjoy the zany animated antics of the wacky dog detective. Bonus Content: o The Complete 1st and 2nd Seasons - Disc Three Special Features: - Funky Fashions - America Loves Scooby-Doo Music Video o The Complete 1st and 2nd Seasons - Disc Four Special Features: - Scooby-Doo Street Smarts Favorite Cases of Scooby-Doo Fans - Take the Scooby-Doo Challenge no languages o The Complete Third Season - Disc Three Special Features: - Hanna-Barbera: From H to B - How the Studio’s Artists and Animators Collaborate Internally and Connect with Fans Externally or special features ]]>.