Therm-a-Rest Unisex's NeoAir XLite WingLock Ultralight Camping pad
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Therm-a-Rest Unisex's NeoAir XLite WingLock Ultralight Camping pad

Product ID: 274445107
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The Therm-a-Rest NeoAir XLite Ultralight Inflatable Air Mattress for three-season backpacking, mountaineering, and camping is the ultimate minimalist’s expedition sleeping pad. Offering maximum warmth for the weight, it's designed specifically for adding a padded layer of warmth and insulation between sleeping bag and ground in alpine conditions. Baffled internal structure provides support and comfort in a 2.5-inch inflated mattress, for a restful night in the backcountry. The Therm-a-Rest NeoAir XLite sleeping pad is perfect for lightweight expeditions thanks to its innovative tapered design and materials, which eliminate bulk, making it possible to pack the ground pad to the size of a one-liter water bottle. Available in two styles: Equipped with the Standard Valve, or equipped with the WingLock Valve which is able to inflate a pad three times faster than a standard valve thanks to a larger barrel and optional one-way inflation. Standard Valve models include stuff sack and repair kit for fixing punctures, and WingLock Valve models include a pump sack (for easier, breath-free pad inflation), a stuff sack and a repair kit. Made in the USA. Manufacturer’s limited lifetime warranty.

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Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

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