Europium Ultra Glow in the Dark Phosphorescent Paint | Super Bright Non-Toxic UV Black light Paint (16 ounce, Aqua)
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Europium Ultra Glow in the Dark Phosphorescent Paint | Super Bright Non-Toxic UV Black light Paint (16 ounce, Aqua)

Product ID: 273228383
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Simply expose United Nuclear UltraGlow paint to sunlight or bright light to activate its glow properties. The longer it is exposed to light, the longer and brighter the afterglow will be. After 15 minutes of light exposure the paint is fully charged and any additional light exposure will will not lengthen glow time or brightness. Sunlight, fluorescent light, or UV light produces the best results. UV light (blacklight) will charge the material about twice as fast. Incandescent light is not recommended for charging. United Nuclear UltraGlow paint can also be used as a fluorescent paint. It will glow at full brilliance under UV light (blacklight). United Nuclear UltraGlow paint dries to the touch in about 30 minutes and is fully cured in about 24 hours. This new technology glow paint has an extremely long afterglow time. In a totally dark room, even after 15 hours, you can clearly see the glow of the paint. As with all phosphorescent materials, the initial glow is far brighter, quickly tapering down to a medium glow, and then slowly tapering to a low-level glow for several hours. It has unlimited uses both practical and for fun. In daylight, the green paint is an off-white and pale greenish yellow in color. The aqua paint is white in color. Although United Nuclear UltraGlow paint is water resistant, it is not 100% waterproof. If the paint is to be used outdoors or constantly exposed to weather or in an underwater application, you may want to consider applying a clear topcoat for added protection. This product is non-toxic.

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The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

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