Artidy Commercial Ice Maker Machine, 100LBS/24H Clear Square Ice Cube,33LBS Ice Storage Capacity with Auto Clean and LED Temperature Display for Home,Restaurant,Bar,Coffee Shop,Kitchen
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Artidy Commercial Ice Maker Machine, 100LBS/24H Clear Square Ice Cube,33LBS Ice Storage Capacity with Auto Clean and LED Temperature Display for Home,Restaurant,Bar,Coffee Shop,Kitchen

Product ID: 269242806
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With a 33lbs storage capacity, Artidy Ice Maker Machine can produce up to 100 lbs of clear square ice per day and you can taste fresh ice within 15-29 minutes. Features: * Auto clean function: press cleaning button, the unit will enter the automatic cleaing program, and automatically stop after 10 mins. * One-button blue light: During ice making process, press the button, which will light up the box of the ice maker so that you can see the ice making process more clearly. * Two water connection: One is bucket water,the connection is on the top of the ice maker; the other is tap water. When using different ways, the inlet valve of the other way needs to be closed. Specification: Voltage: 110-120V/60Hz Ice Making Current: 2.8a Ice Harvest Current: 4.3a Ice trays number: 60 trays Net weight:56.67lbs

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