250g UV Resin (Starter Kit) + Light Included! Crystal Clear UV Resin Glue + Resin Accessories Use in: Keychain Making Kit, Jewellery Making Kit, Crafts DIY Gift Set, Cure with UV Lamp and Sunlight
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250g UV Resin (Starter Kit) + Light Included! Crystal Clear UV Resin Glue + Resin Accessories Use in: Keychain Making Kit, Jewellery Making Kit, Crafts DIY Gift Set, Cure with UV Lamp and Sunlight

Product ID: 269043283
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Package content: 1x UV Resin, net weight 250G 1x 6W Mini UV Light for fast curing with USB plug & cable 4x Silicone Mixing Tools Instructions: -Directly pour the resin in the mold or the bezel. -Add the pigment, glitter, dried flowers or anything you want in it using a toothpick or tweezers, and cure the resin with UV light. -Gradually add the amount of the pigment to adjust the color instead of pouring too much pigment at a time. How to avoid bubbles: 1. UV resin should be poured in silicone molds in layers, allowing air bubbles completely escape. 2. To expedite the process of escaping of bubbles and time of solidification of resin, the mold can be a bit warmed up. For example, heat the oven to 80℃(176℉), turn off, ventilate it a little and filled the mold with the resin. 3. Before using the resin, place it upside down to prevent air bubbles from escaping during extrusion. 4. Use a toothpick to concentrate the air bubbles on the surface of the resin. Puncture them with a pin or undo them by applying heat with a heat gun or a lighter. Attention: -Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing. -If you accidentally splash into your eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water. -Rinse immediately with soapy water after skin contact. -Keep out of reach of children. -Store the product in a cool, dry place, protected from light.

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