The health benefits of eating cold-water fish are robust, yet concerns remain about contaminants found in wild and farm-raised fish. This should not stop consumers from including fish in their diet, as the longevity advantages of consuming cold-water fish instead of foods like beef are substantial. A recent study found that even vegetarians that include some fish in their diet fare better than strict vegetarians. An advantage to higher EPA and DHA fish oil concentrations is smaller sized omega-3 capsules. The addition of this new Alaskan-derived fish oil to the Super Omega-3 supplement group enables the same high-potency EPA/DHA to fit into slightly smaller capsules for easier swallowing. From supporting heart health and brain function to balancing the inflammatory response, there is no debating the broad-spectrum benefits of omega-3 fatty acids. There are hundreds of fish oil supplements on the market. Only one incorporates lifesaving findings to provide omega-3 and olive fruit extracts, along with sesame lignans, in a family of formulas called Super Omega-3. The International Fish Oil Association (IFOS) is an independent organization that tests fish oils to determine their overall safety and quality. A Five-Star Rating indicates fish oils have been tested to meet strict standards of quality as determined by EPA and DHA content, and for purity to rule out contamination with heavy metals, radiation, oxidation, and organic pollutants such as PCBs and dioxin. Alaskan-derived fish oil enjoys the same Five-Star Rating mandated for all fish oils contained in the Super Omega-3 family of supplements.