Akiba's Trip 2 [Japan Import]
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Akiba's Trip 2 [Japan Import]

Product ID: 254481668
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Akihabara, famous for otaku culture, maid cafes and, uh, blood sucking demons? Blood sucking demons who can only be killed by stripping them? Sounds just like Akihabara! That's right - return to the streets of this famous district as an otaku caught up in a bizarre conspiracy wherein the only option is to beat up demons, strip them naked, expose them to the sun and nervously laugh as their naked demon corpse melts away. Sequel to the original Akiba's Trip, this Akiba's Trip 2 features over 130 real world shops and faithfully recreates Akihabara as the stage for stripping. Introducing an AI controlled partner and the new UNISON STRIP SYSTEM, Akiba's Trip 2 sounds awesome!

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The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

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Received my product in pristine condition. Great service overall.

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