UniShop 4 In 1 Handheld Vegetable Chopper Zucchini Spiralizer Kitchen Gadgets
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UniShop 4 In 1 Handheld Vegetable Chopper Zucchini Spiralizer Kitchen Gadgets

Product ID: 253487448
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4 in 1 spiral cutter for vegetables, it is light in the hand and sharpening a carrot is no stress at all and absolutely safe. It's also easy to switch between the different settings by pressing the buttons underneath. This was compact ideal to put away in a small kitchen, had 4 settings to choose from to spiralise vegetable with different thickness. Great for spiralising courgettes and carrots to replace spaghetti - for no-carbs diet. It's a simple easy to use product that can turn many vegetables into a very appealing side, useful for making courgette spaghetti and prepping veggies. Great kitchen gadgets simply does a great job of turning carrots, courgettes, butternut squash, etc into spaghetti. Great for cutting veggies in different shapes. it only take few minutes to prepare it.It is also easy to clean itself and got multiple functions to get different shape of pieces ,and makes them more interesting for children. Vegetable spiraliser made of very smooth quality plastic, it's so easy to use, and the food looks posh and sophisticated. Eating healthier with the aid of the vegetable spiralizer.

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Fantastic experience overall. Will recommend to friends and family.

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Customer service was outstanding when I had questions about the product.

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