Our brands believes to provide the good quality products to our customer so that customer will get satisfaction as they want. Our first priority is to provide the maximum satisfaction to our customers. We are making product with good quality raw material so that we can fulfill our customer needs. Parad Shivling Means The Shivling Made From Metal Mercury Which Is The Only Metal In The Universe In Liquid State. It is written in various puranas that a person who worship Parad Shivling get equal benefits to worship 108 other types of shivling. Worship of Parad Shivaling is capable of giving instant Luck, wealth, position, name and fame. It is best recommended for Peace, prosperity and happiness. Enlightens the students with knowledge and sharpens their skills and creativity. Shivalingam is worshiped in homes and temples. At home it blesses with unity and harmony in the family and guides its devotees to spiritual path. It is also written in various puranas that by worship of Parad Shivling regularly, Goddess Laxmi remains always in a house. Its weight will be 70-80 gm
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