You have always been God's beloved child. Are you interested in becoming God's grownup?This book can help you to grow rapidly, inspiring you each day as you move forward on your personal path.Yes, you can grow as a WORLD SERVER, someone who yearnsfor a big purpose and major connection to the Divine, serving others inmeaningful ways, and making a real difference in this world spiritually.Yes, you can also grow as a HUMAN BEING, someone who justwants to be happy, effective, enjoying relationships, finding meaning ineveryday life.This book helps you to grow both ways, one day at a time; 365 chapters, and most of them only one page long.You'll find flexible techniques and powerful spiritual understandings that work now, in the Age of Awakening. WHAT WILL YOU FIND TODAY?Some days, you will find fresh ideas to ENHANCE what you do already for personal growth, like prayer and affirmations. Other days, innovative techniques will WAKE YOU UP in ways that are entirely new. INTEGRATING spiritual growth into your human life is another way that you can make fresh discoveries while partnering with this self-help book. Imagine not just talking your talkOr walking your talk But also bringing great love, light, and power to all of your talk and walk!Imagine further, what if you aim to move forward on your path to ENLIGHTENMENT? Then you may be impressed with how much this book helps.HOW THE BOOK'S STRUCTURE HELPS YOU TO IMPROVISEChapters are grouped around life themes, such as "Attracting Love," "Family of Choice," and "Beautiful, Healthy Body."For eight days in a row, you'll find inspiration on that particular theme. Then this exploration completes with Day 9, a poem to start you thinking... and maybe unleash your inner poet or song-maker or dancer. Either go through the 365 chapters in order.Or flip to a page at random.Or choose your favorite life theme. You can find this atthe "Table of Techniques" available here at the online bookstore under the productdescription "From the Inside Flap." (This same listing is also at the officialRose Rosetree website, on the detail page for this book.)However you play with this resource, you can look forward to a whole year of fresh discoveries. Don't expect any two days to be alike.What will remain constant is Rose Rosetree's respect for you as a conscious co-creator with the Divine. That includes respect for your creativity, courage and wisdom, all the unique gifts of your soul. This book can help you to find new joy every day. Strengthening yourself, both as a World Server and a healthy human being, you will encounter many flavors of joy. And becoming more and more self-actualized every day, you just might cross the threshold intoEnlightenment.Because all human beings on earth now are living in the Age of Awakening, a time when millions of ordinary people are able to gain Enlightenment, and do it as householders rather than renunciates."Householders," of course, are people like you and Rose, who balance their human lives with being a World Server.A teacher of personal development since 1970, in 2012 Rose Rosetree moved into the role of Enlightenment Coach. You can read related articles and success stories at her blog, "Deeper Perception Made Practical." Including a list of people Rose has helped to move into the higher state of consciousness known throughout the ages as "Enlightenment."
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